Sunday, December 16, 2012

Physics 2 Lesson 2 Presentation

Physics 2 Lesson 2 Presentation
Heat and Temperature
(Click here to download document)

Physics 2 Lesson 1 Presentation

Physics 2 Lesson 1 Presentation
Fluids and Pressure
(Click here to download the slide)

Physics2 Lesson 1 Chapter Review III

Chapter Review

15-7 - 15-8   Bernoulli's Equation
In general the same concepts that we use to describe the dynamics of particles also apply to fluid dynamics. With fluids it is often more convenient to express these concepts in terms of density and pressure rather than mass and force. One such example comes from the application of the work-energy theorem to fluids resulting in a mathematical relation known as Bernoulli's equation.
With a fluid we can replace the concept of a particle with a small region of the fluid called a fluid element of density  moving at speed v while sweeping out a volume DV under the action of a differential fluid pressure DP. Bernoulli's equation can be obtained by applying the work-energy theorem (Wnet = DK) to this fluid element. The work done on a fluid element due to a change in the fluid pressure is DWpressure = (P1 - P2)(DV). The work done by gravity as the fluid element changes vertical level from a height y1 to y2 is . The change in the kinetic energy of the fluid element can be written as . These three quantities combine to give Bernoulli's equation
This expression holds in the absence of frictional losses.
Another way of stating Bernoulli's equation is
This form of the equation helps make the physical consequences a little more clear because you can see, for example, that for a fluid flowing at a constant vertical level an increase in the speed of flow must be accompanied by a decrease in pressure (and vice versa). This effect, often called Bernoulli's principle, is important in understanding the consequence of air flow in many applications.
You should also notice that Bernoulli's equation is consistent with the dependence of pressure on depth that was discussed above. Examining this dependence leads to Torricelli's law for the speed of a fluid flowing from an aperture in a container placed a depth h below the surface of the fluid. If, for example, both the surface of the fluid and the aperture are open to the air then the pressure at both locations is atmospheric pressure so that P1 = P2 in Bernoulli's equation. Assuming that the fluid is essentially static at the surface (v1 = 0) leads to
where h = y1 - y2.

Physlet Illustration: Blood Flow in Arteries

Constriction = mm
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Blood flows in an artery with a partial blockage from left to right in the animation (position is in millimeters and times is in seconds). A blood platelet is shown moving through the artery.  How does the size of the constriction (variable from 2 to 10 mm from each wall) affect the speed of the blood flow?  Positions measured in mm, time in seconds, and pressure in mm of Hg. Start


  1. Measure the speed of the platelet (in mm/s) before or after the constriction by pausing and clicking on the platelet to determine its position at two different times.  
  2. Measure the speed of the platelet while it is in the constricted area using the same technique.  Does the speed increase or decrease?
  3. Adjust the size of the constriction to see if the speed responds appropriately.
  4. How does the constriction affect the blood pressure?  Move the detector to different positions and note the pressure.  
  5. Does the blood pressure obey Bernoulli's equation?  Note: To verify this quantitatively, you will need to convert the pressure to Pascals.

Example 15.7 Water Flow at Constant Pressure: Water flows in a horizontal segment of pipe at a pressure of 85 kPa with a speed of 2.6 m/s. The pipe widens such that its area becomes larger by 35%. If the flow is to be at constant pressure, how far above the initial horizontal level should the pipe divert the water?
Picture the Problem The picture shows a pipe carrying water first horizontally, then uphill, and horizontally again.
Strategy Bernoulli's equation relates the pressure to the speed of flow and the change in vertical level. However, the changing width of the pipe can be handled by the equation of continuity, so both expressions should be used.
1. Using the fact that the pressure is constant, P1 = P2, Bernoulli's equation becomes:
2. Solving for the difference in horizontal level:
3. Use the continuity equation to solve for v2 in terms of v1:
4. Subsitute v2 into the expression for the change in vertical level:
5. Obtain the numerical result:
Insight As this example illustrates, you should keep in mind that it is often useful to use both Bernoulli's equation and the equation of continuity to perform a complete analysis.

Practice Quiz

If the speed of a horizontally flowing fluid decreases, the pressure in the fluid will...
 stay the same.
If, for a constant speed of flow, a fluid begins to flow downhill, the pressure in the fluid begins to...
 stay the same. 

15-9*   Viscosity and Surface Tension
(A) Viscosity
When a particle moves it usually experiences some sort of frictional resistance to its motion. The same is true for fluid flow, with fluids this resistance is called viscosity. All of the previous discussion assumed an ideal fluid which, in part, means that we assumed that there was no viscosity. In this section we will take a glimpse at what the effect of including this unavoidable phenomenon is.
For a fluid flowing through a tube of length L and cross sectional area A, the flow results from a pressure differential across the length of the tube, P1 - P2. What are some of the physical quantities related to this pressure difference? It works out that the pressure difference is directly proportional to the speed, v, at which the fluid flows (it requires a greater pressure difference to get faster flow). We also find that P1 - P2 is directly proportional to the length of the tube (it requires a greater pressure difference to sustain the flow of the larger amount of fluid contained in a longer tube). Finally, the pressure difference is inversely proportional to the cross sectional are of the tube (a wider tube provides more room for the fluid to flow more freely requiring less pressure). Thus, we have that (P1 - P2 vL/A. The constant of proportionality turns out to be 8ph, where h us called the coefficient of viscosity. Therefore, we have the following relation
We can see from the above equation that larger values of h means the fluid is more viscous because more pressure is needed for the fluid to flow at a certain speed. The SI units of h is . However, a commonly used unit of h is the poise which is defined as
As mentioned previously, fluid flow is often characterized by the volume flow rate DV/Dt = Av. When the above expression for viscous flow is re-written in terms of the volume flow rate for a tube of circular cross-section (A = pr2), we get Poiseuille's equation
which shows that the volume flow rate increases as the fourth power of the radius.
Surface Tension
The surfaces of fluids, especially liquids, are observed to behave in a way similar to that of an elastic membrane when objects are placed on the surface. This effect is due to the surface tensionof the fluid. Surface tension results from internal forces between the molecules of a fluid that collectively resist the deformation of the fluid's surface from its equilibrium configuration. This effect is analogous to what happens in a spring and is responsible for the ability of insects to walk on water.

Exercise 15.8 Viscosity: Using the result of Example 15.3 above, estimate the volume flow rate of blood from the head to the feet of the six-foot-tall person. Assume an effective radius of 23 cm.)
Solution: We know the following information:
Given: P1 - P2 = 18.8 kPa, L = 1.83 m, r = 0.23 m, h = 0.0027    FindDV/Dt
Using the above given information, together with the viscosity of blood (from Table 15-2 in the text), we can directly use Poiseuille's equation
Notice that three significant figures were used for the pressure difference. That is done because the final result of Example 15.3 is now just an intermediate result for this example.

Practice Quiz

In general, we expect the volume flow rate of a fluid with a large coefficient of viscosity to be...
 [h has no relevance to the volume flow rate.]

Physics2 Lesson 1 Chapter Review II

Chapter Review


15-4 - 15-5   Archimedes' Principle and Buoyancy
When an object is submerged in a fluid, the volume taken up by the object displaces an equal volume of the fluid. The pressure applied by the fluid onto the object results in an upward force on the object; this phenomenon is known as buoyancy. This phenomenon is governed by Archimedes' principle:
An object immersed in a fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
The weight of the fluid displaced by the object equals the mass of this fluid times the acceleration due to gravity, mg. When dealing with buoyancy it is usually more convenient to express the mass in terms of the density, m = V. Therefore, for an object submerged in a fluid, the buoyant force on it is
Archimedes' principle explains the phenomenon of floatation which occurs when the buoyant force acting on an object equals it's weight. Often, floating objects are not completely submerged in the fluid. The amount of volume submerged Vsub for a solid object of volume Vs floating in a fluid of density f is given by
where sis the density of the solid object.

Physlet Illustration: Archimedes' Principle

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A metallic object hangs from a digital balance, which reads the object's mass in grams. The object is suspended above a graduated cylinder containing water. The grid is such that each grid square represents a volume increment of 1 cm3. Lower the apparatus into the water, and verify Archimedes' Principle. Start


  1. What are the balance readings before and after the object is immersed in the water?
  2. From the difference in these readings, what is the buoyant force on the immersed object?
  3. What are the water levels in the cylinder before and after the object is immersed in the water?
  4. From the difference in these readings, what is the volume of water displaced by the object?
  5. Since the density of water is 1 gm/cm3, what is the weight of the water displaced by the object?
  6. Can you determine the density of the metallic object?

Exercise 15.5 The Secret of Magic: Many magic tricks are based on physical principles. In order to fool her audience a magician uses an object that sinks in the fresh water made available to the audience, but floats in the seawater that she uses on stage. What is the maximum percentage of the object's volume that will float above the seawater?
Picture the Problem The picture shows a floating object partially submerged in seawater.
Strategy According to the above discussion, more of an object will be submerged if its density approaches that of the fluid. So, you get the maximum above-surface float for the smallest possible object density. Since it must sink in fresh water, the smallest object density is 1000 kg/m3.
1. The minimum fraction of volume submerged is:
2. The maximum amount of volume floating above the surface is:
3. So the percentage is:
Insight What could the magician do to the seawater to make a larger percentage of the object float?

Practice Quiz

An object of density 750 kg/m3 is half submerged in a fluid. What is the density of this fluid?
 1500 kg/m3
 188 kg/m3
 375 kg/m3
 2250 kg/m3
 750 kg/m3
If the volume of the object in question #5 above is 0.33 m3, what is the buoyant force on this object?
 9810 N
 1210 N
 3240 N
 1000 N
 2430 N

Physlet Illustration: Archimedes' Principle and Melting Ice

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An ice cube melts in a glass of water as shown in the animation (position is measured in centimeters and time is shown in minutes). Which animation correctly shows what the final water level will be?


  1. Since the bouyant force is the weight of the water displaced, you can determine the mass of the ice cube.  
  2. How does the volume of the ice cube that is below the water level change with time?

15-6   Fluid Flow and Continuity
In this section we begin to discuss properties of fluid flow. During the smooth flow of a constrained fluid (e.g., through a pipe) we can assume that the same amount of mass passes through each cross section of pipe in a given amount of time. This smooth flow condition leads to what is known as the equation of continuity which says that mass m1 flowing through an area A1 in a given time equals the mass m2 flowing through area A2 in that same amount of time. The amount of mass per unit time of a fluid of density  flowing through area A at speed v is Av. Therefore, the equation of continuity is
Usually, liquids are considered to be incompressible because the density of the liquid hardly changes as it flows from one place to another. In such cases the densities in the equation of continuity are equal, 1 = 2, and we can write it as
The quantity Av equals the volume flow rate of the fluid; the above equation then says that this volume flow rate is constant for an incompressible fluid.

Example 15.6 Continuity: Plastic bottles that are used to hold water for athletes often have a long slender nozzle out of which the water emerges. If the end of the nozzle has a diameter of 1.0 cm and you determine the water to emerge at 25 cm/s for a typical squeeze of the bottle, what is the initial speed of the water in the neck of the bottle if its diameter is 6.0 cm?
Picture the Problem The picture shows a squeeze water bottle with a thin nozzle on the end.
Strategy Since we don't expect the density of the water to change when flowing from inside the bottle to outside, we only need to use the fact that the volume flow rate is constant.
1. Using the equation of continuity gives:
2. Solving for v1 gives:
3. Obtain the numerical result:
Insight The fact that a fluid flows more rapidly when squeezed is used in many different applications. Can you think of some others?

Practice Quiz

If the area through which an incompressible fluid flows decreases, the speed of flow will...
 stay the same
If the area through which an incompressible fluid flows is cut in half, the speed of flow will...
 also be cut in half.
 decrease to  its speed.
 [None of the above.]